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Everyone can see everyone else’s templates the moment a template is created, even if a mistake. How do we ensure templates are not shared with everyone unless we mean them to be? Is there a way to do this on the account level and not on the individual user level, e.g. to force users to declare who they are sharing with, or the template isn’t shared with anyone, e.g. to default to no one shares with anyone unless they affirmatively select for that template to be shared and say who with? 

@Kristen Schipper - Only you and an Admin on an account can see a template until they are shared to a user or a group. If you copy a Template that was already shared and modify it, all the sharing settings remain.

Assume everyone is an Admin for these purposes. Problem is - I don’t want all Admins to automatically see all Templates any Admin creates. I want a system setting that makes Admins select who they are sharing with when they create a Template, if anyone. And if they don’t affirmatively share with anyone, the template doesn’t share, even as to other Admins.


@Kristen Schipper - You can create a Sender Permission profile that includes the ability to create and share templates.   Give Admin access only to Admins that should have admin functions.   By default, only Admins have also access to create templates but you can create a permission profile for this purpose.   I hope that helps.  

Hi @Kristen Schipper,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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I need my Admins to stay Admins, but not have access to everyone else’s templates. I am not going to manage a Sender Permission profile to do it, and I understood that Admins are Admins regardless. So I can’t limit their view of each other’s templates even if I did set up a Sender Permission profile. That said - I plan to leave the configuration as-is, because they are set up as Admins so we can ensure the system functions in the way we need it to, which is that everyone can see everyone else’s work in progress and finished work, if they need to, even if the person is unexpectedly unable to look at it themselves. 

Hi @Kristen Schipper,


I hope you are doing well.


Thank you for sharing the resolution that you came up with the other users.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
