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Is it possible via DocuSign and how can I optimize this workflow?:

  1. I am creating several documents to be signed by the company director and various employees.
  2. For each employee, the document includes different information; thus, the document for each employee is unique.

As of now, I am making separate envelopes for each employee and sending them for signature. The issue is that the director receives a lot of separate emails from DocuSign to sign various documents with employees and he/she can miss a few of them.

Is there a way I can send all the different documents in bulk? So that the director will receive only 1 email and will sign all different documents for each employee in one place (as one envelope), not clicking on various emails with different documents for each employee? And the employees see and sign only their particular document.

@Bohdan Tretiakov 

Docusign does not support multi signatures from a single recipient, which means your company director needs to sign them individually. This is independent of them being part of a bulk send in eSignature or if they have been created individually, which just means different effort for the envelope creator.

I assume your company director has a Docusign account. Then he can access all the documents that await his action from within and does not need to click on the individual emails. After signing he will be prompted to sign additional documents waiting for him, without accessing the email and without potentially missing some.

This Docusign Support article has additional information on this topic.
