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Can you correct an envelope after the client submits/completes it or do you have to void it and send another envelope?

@Andrew1009 Correction depends on both the status of the envelope and what you are attempting to correct.  If the envelope is fully completed meaning all Recipients have completed their action then no correction is possible.  If the envelope is “In Progress” with at least one Recipients of multiple taking action then you can make limited corrections to the actions of those Recipients who have not yet taken action.  You could not in the “In Progress” example remove the Recipient or alter fields of the Recipient who took action or edit the associated document.  You could add Recipients, remove or edit Recipients who have not taken action and their associated fields.  You could also update the Advanced Options such as Reminders settings. If you want to modify the document or alter data the was entered by a Recipient because it was incorrect then the “void” and send another envelope can be the best option.

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