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It is not an option to combine all the documents into one file for signature. Each document needs to be reviewed separately.  

My account has the ability to add multiple uploads/attachments to one envelope hence when sent there is only one notification sent. So when you create a new Envelope and add an attachment you do not see another option to upload another document?

Yes, I have the function that allows for multiple uploads but it combines them into one document. I was hoping that they could be reviewed individually as opposed to having to scroll through multiple pages. Thank you for the reply. 

During the signing process you are correct that the document(s) look to be part of one large document, but that is not really the case when the envelope is completed or stored (saved), they can be split into individual files. Also by using the upload twice you actually would have an easier time correcting the envelope if one document needed to be replaced.

Ultimately if you want to have each document look separate from another, then the best and only option I see if to send multiple envelopes.

I was able to download as separate pdfs once signed which was a great feature. It looks like we will be able to work with this. 
