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Dear All,

I’m writing you because I need to know the difference between the two sections in Docusign:

Some colleagues had a problem with the visualization of the powerform in docusign and it seems that the problem was because are added the users in the section number 2 and not 1.

We thought that the section one and second had the same aim, but it seems not, also reading the yellow warning message. We don’t know what is the difference, if is there.

Can you please help us to understand?


Hello @mmonaco,


Thank you for reaching out here, we want to welcome you to the Docusign Community, I appreciate you bringing your question to this Community. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you, we are committed to providing you with the best service possible. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, I understand you want to know the difference between Shared Access and Shared Envelopes.


Shared envelopes allow users on the same account to view and take action on shared envelopes. Team members and delegates can assist with management tasks such as sending reminders or correcting recipient information. The owner of the shared envelope can perform various actions depending on their role, while a shared user with manager recipient permissions can manage the envelope on behalf of the owner. Shared Envelopes.


Shared access allows users to send and manage envelopes on behalf of another user on the account. Administrators can manage which users have access to specific user's envelopes, including draft envelopes, custom folders, and shared envelopes. Audit Logs page can be used to monitor shared access events and changes to the settings. There are limitations, such as not being able to share with groups or users outside of the account. Manage Shared Access to Envelopes.


To resume Shared Envelopes is an older product that is not currently being updated as you can see in the yellow message that was replaced by the Shared Access.


Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in specific Docusign plans. Your account plan might not support some of the options discussed in this help topic. Contact your account administrator for more information about which options are available for your account. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan. Compare eSignature plans & pricing.


Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hello Christopher,

thank you for your kindly feedback.

Thank you for your kindly help and for your clarification.

We knew that in this section (1), you can added the users involved to share the envelopes.  since this section is now being maintained and disused, in the future, if we were to add a new user to this signature group, should we put him/her in the section indicated with number 2 and not in number 1, now?

Basically, we realised this because after creating powerforms and their groups as sender, some colleagues were displaying powerfomr answers in docusign and others were not. We realised that (we don't know why) those who were displaying the powerform answers had user accounts in section number 2 (Share user's envelopes) and those who were not see them in section number 1 (Shared with others). 

So, my doubts are:

  1. is section number 1 no longer usable because it is undergoing maintenance and therefore out of use for the future, or can it be used to allow users to view only the shared envelopes (e.g. for signing processes in docusign) without displaying powerform because not included here?
  2. Does section number 2, on the other hand, completely replace section number 1 or does it have a different purpose. E.g. the section 1 is only for envelopes in general (e.g. signing..) and section 2 permitts to see also/only the powerform envelopes?

Thank you, BR

Hello @mmonaco,


Thank you for reaching back, 


For the first question, at some point in the future, the option will be removed.


For the second question, Shared access allows users to send and manage envelopes on behalf of another user on the account, however in regards to the Powerforms, if you are listed as the PowerForm sender, you can access the envelopes generated when a signer initiates a response to the form, you can view all completed and in process responses to a PowerForm that were generated with you as the PowerForm Sender. PowerForm envelopes for which you are listed as the sender, appear in both your Manage page and the list of responses for an individual PowerForm. Note: PowerForm administrators can be granted additional permission rights to be able to view all envelopes for a PowerForm, even if they are not the PowerForm sender. See the Permission Profiles topic for more information. View PowerForm Responses


However, any feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. We invite you to share your product suggestions and feature requests on our dedicated ideas page (, where we can collaborate to shape the future of our product together.


Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi @mmonaco,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,

 Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
