Under protest, I subscribed to Docusign this morning at the behest of the French government agency INPI (portal e-procedures) in order to sign a form stating the cessation of my business. The help desk advised the use of Docusign. The signature from a previous attempt using the free trial was not accepted. Today. the form was duly signd by Docusign, but it was not accepted:
“Your signature is not valid: The summary was signed using a foreign certificate from outside the EU, the certification authority of which is not one of those defined in the eIDAS trust lists. Your signature is therefore not considered valid because we cannot find the certification authority of the certificate used in the eIDAS trust lists. Please contact your signature provider to obtain a compliant signature.”
Direct help from Docusign is impossible without paying extra for a support subscription.
All this aggravation for a one-time use. I’m furious! This sort of conundrum is one of the reasons why the French largely hate the government.
Does anyone know how to get one of these precious “compliant signatures?