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I'm trying to set up a workflow with selective document visibility but I'm having some trouble. The workflow I'm trying to create is as below:

- Signer 1 - has visibility of document 1, completes and signs

- Signer 2 - has visibility of document 1 & 2, completes document 1, completion of document 2 is dependent on information provided by Signer 1. Therefore, document 2 is not always needed.

- Signer 3 - has visibility of documents 1 & 2, merely has an approve button on each to check the documents are correct.

- Signer 4 - has visibility of document 1, signs and completes.

Each signer then receives an email with the completed docs, which includes document 2 regardless of whether it has actually been used or not.

My question is this - is there any way Signer 2 can delete document 2 where it is not needed, i.e. where signer 1 answers 'no' to the relevant question and doc 2 is not needed?

Many thanks in advance! 



This may be possible with our ( Allow to Edit recipient role.

You could list Signer 2 as Allow to Edit recipient: 

The recipient can make recipients and documents changes (correct) to an in-process envelope. This recipient must have a valid DocuSign account. 

Can you please review and see if this works for you?


Thank you for this. I've tried it out and it works fine for everthing I need it to, other than when I need the document to be deleted. When I click 'remove current page' I get a pop up saying 'Edits are not allowed to this document'.

Do I need to alter any settings to allow for this? I've checked my settings and 'Advanced Correct' is enabled.

Thanks again!


I am glad the you got the visibility fine tuned :)

But just to clarify, you have made Signer 2 a Manage Envelope Recipient, but they receive an error when they try to delete Document 2?

Can you make sure that they have removed their tags and the tags for Signer 3, before they try to remove the document?


Yes, I've made them a Manage Envelope Recipient but when they try to delete the document they get an error message. I've just tried again, removing all tags from Document 2 and still the same error. Or do I need to delete the tags from the whole document? Might it be something I need to alter in the template?

Thanks again for your help on this :)



The template should not effect the envelope, since it is "in process" but all the tags for Document 2 should be removed for the Agent Manager to be able to remove. 

What is the specific error are you seeing? I tried it again with not tags at all on document 2 and I'm still getting the following message:

The page at says:

Edits are not allowed to this document.

I can correct other aspects (add tags, amend recipients etc) I just can't remove Document 2...


So...I tried it again, no tags at all on Doc 2 and I'm still getting the same message when I try to remove it. It says:

"The page at says

Edits are not allowed to this document"

I'm not sure what else to try... :(


I tested this myself and got the same error. I ran this by one of our Technical Reps and discovered it is by design. Once any recipient is finished with document(s), they are sealed into the envelope. Therefore an Agent Manged Recipient that follows, can only add new documents. They cannot remove them. 

With this in mind, you may have to change the workflow a little by having the Signer 2 add document 2 depending on how Signer 1 completes. However, they will have to add the tags for themselves and Signer 3.

I hope this helps,

