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Hi All,

I would like to kindly ask if a document that is signed through Docusign and selected only: “I verified this document” is valid and considered signed and verified?

Many thanks!


That is a question relate to the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 module, where you need to select a signing reason to sign. The outcome is a valid signature on the document, but you may require additional signatures with the singing reasons “I am the author of this document” or “I approve this document”.

As this relates to compliance with the FDA regulation, you should ask that question internally to the person or team that validated the environment and overall process. They can clearly tell you, if it is sufficient or not to be compliant with the regulation.

The signing reasons can be configured. You can find details in this DocuSign Support article.

Hello @Angie_M ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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