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Disseminate custom information to bulk list


I want to provide custom information to a bulk list of recipients. I can put the bulk information into the CSV file but how do I identify the information in the template?

i.e. I want to provide a specific sequences of number but this sequences varies from recipient to recipient. How do I take the base template and create a form which varies this info or can I do it from the template?

Best answer by Community Expert

Ok so the step missing is that you are using a "role" in the CSV header when none exists because you are not using a Template rather just creating an envelope. So here is what I suggest....

1) Go to Templates and choose New, Create Template.

2) Add a document to the Template, same basic file you are uploading in the envelope

3) Add Recipient but only define the "Role" as "User".

4) Add a text tag and define the Data Label as Plan.

5) Save

6) Use this new Template by selecting "Use a Template"

7) Upload the CSV file under Import Bulk

8) Should verify the fields and no errors with a popup.

9) Send it to yourself or a test email account. You should see the "Plan" field filled out based on what was in the CSV file.

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This sounds like you want to have a DocuSign custom field that is pre-populated from the Bulk Send CSV file, unique for each Recipient. Yes this is possible, but it requires the use of a Template, setting appropriate Roles, and also the custom fields must have Data Labels. This information and steps are provided in the following DocuSign article...

See the section called "Prepare your documents to accommodate data from bulk recipient file"



I have some follow up questions.

  1. I created the template and the custom info is not populating in the document. I downloaded the CSV template and copied the column names EXACTLY into the TEXT Data Label. But the emails always generate as blanks. Do the Text DATA labels need to be marked as REQUIRED or no?
  2. I need my Roles to remain in a certain order everytime we send out this template. I numbered them as 01, 02 etc with the Name of the role to ensure they stay in order, is this recommended?
  3. The envelope has joint and individual recipients mixed based on the CSV. How do I get the bulk important to IGNORE blank Joint Recipients?
  4. I want to link this envelope to a Power Form for those users who wish to use the Power form. But the email link is not hyperlinking. How can I provide the link to actually jump the recipient to the hyperlink form?


1) So what is the field Data Label? Does it contain spaces or special characters?

2) The Template and corresponding Recipients would control how the Roles are consistently organized and that would not change.

3) I would need to test this but I do not think you can have a blank email value and not get an error

4) How are you sending the Powerlink URL? Are you adding this into the DocuSign email body? I would likely need to test this as well.


I'm having the same issue as Sunnie on point 1.

I added a text field, changed the Data Label to the same name as on the CSV and still shows up blank when I send it. The Data Label I'm using is just one word "Plan"


Could you tell me the exact text you are using in the CSV Header? Perhaps a screenshot of the CSV Header and the field Data Label.


I've tried different combinations:

  • Role::Name - Role::Email - Role::Plan
  • Role::Name - Role::Email - Plan
  • Name - Email - Plan

When adding the text box on the document, I change the Data Label to just Plan


I think the CSV Header is the issue as you are taking a literal approach based I believe on documentation that surround how to use Name and Email columns. You created a Template and in the Template you have a Recipient. The Recipient has a "Role" defined. What is that "Role". For example I have a Bulk Send I use and the Recipient Role is called "Attendee" hence my header looks like this: (each line is a separate column header)




So if you are truly setting a Recipient Role and the name of that Role is "Role" then the header would be the problem. Also might be wise to use something other than "Role" as that might be a default that is not expected when you have or use fields outside of just Name and Email.


How should I set the header then?

If a name them:




and change the Data Label on the text field to Plan, would it populate with what I have on that third column? If so, I've tried it that way and it still shows up blank (unless I'm doing something wrong)

In your example you use Attendee:: before each header title. Should I define that? and if so, how?

And when I go to change the Data Label, should I (using your same example) change it to Phone?

by the way, appreciate your help on this case!


First step, go to the Template you created and edit the Template. On the Recipient section what is the Role defined? I suggest something simple, so if you have spaces or special characters try to make it simple like "User" or "Attendee". Otherwise if it already is simple just take note of the Role.

Open the CSV and modify the header to add the Role in the first step to the beginning of each field. So if the Role was "Attendee", then each column header would look like this in the format of "

Role::Data Label Name"




Test with a CSV with the header as above and at least one row with Plan populated. If this doesn't work please send a screenshot of the CSV file so I can review,


Let me describe what I'm doing step by step so you can confirm if I missed something or did the wrong thing.

  • Go to "Send an Envelope" from the home page

Step 1

  • Upload the document I'll be using and import the Bulk List

Step 2

  • Here is the sample CSV file using the same header style you mentioned

Step 3

  • On the file itself, I add a Text field and change the Data Label to Plan to match the needed info

Step 4

Is there a step I'm missing? Something I'm doing wrong?

When I send, that Text Field shows up as blank as opposed to Corporate for example


Ok so the step missing is that you are using a "role" in the CSV header when none exists because you are not using a Template rather just creating an envelope. So here is what I suggest....

1) Go to Templates and choose New, Create Template.

2) Add a document to the Template, same basic file you are uploading in the envelope

3) Add Recipient but only define the "Role" as "User".

4) Add a text tag and define the Data Label as Plan.

5) Save

6) Use this new Template by selecting "Use a Template"

7) Upload the CSV file under Import Bulk

8) Should verify the fields and no errors with a popup.

9) Send it to yourself or a test email account. You should see the "Plan" field filled out based on what was in the CSV file.


It worked!!!

Thank you so much!!

I've only used "Send an Envelope" all this time so I guess the references to Template confused me.

I've been trying to figure it out all day!

Thanks again!


Glad to be of assistance.


Thanks! Had exactly the same question, this is a bit tricky...