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I have a PDF document that has been signed using DocuSign.  It has a string of characters below the signature.  How do I use those characters to determine when the document was signed (or any other info)?  I believe the date on the document won’t match the date the signature was created or that the signature was forged in some way.

Hello, @JH CSO 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


The best way to verify the signers’ date, time, and other information is accessing the History of your envelope and/or downloading the Certificate of Completion. 


There you can check those details for each recipient in the envelope.


See the figures:

I hope that helps!


This is not a document that I sent or received via DocuSign.  I was sent a PDF document via email and the document was DocuSigned and it had a date.  I question its authenticity but I do not know how to verify if the date printed next to the signature was the actual date it was signed.

On this case, you need to contact the signer who used DocuSign to sign. He/She has the envelope with the Certificate of Completion, you can ask them to get a copy.

In the top of the signed document pages, there is an EnvelopeID, that ID must match with the Certificate of Completion.

That is fine if the parties involved are not complicit in the fraud, but I thought this was supposed to be better than a wet signature.  An uninvolved third party could have a wet signature evaluated for forgery by an expert but how is an uninvolved third party supposed to be able to check validity of a DocuSignature? 

There should be a way to type in the character string below the signature into some DocuSign database and get general information about the signature, such as the date it was signed.  Otherwise anybody could cut a screen grab of a signature from an earlier signed document and paste it in into a different document months later.

Hello @JH CSO ,


Thank you for reaching back and letting us know about your concerns.


To validate the signature for a standard eSignature document, you can use any PDF reader that supports signature validation. In my experience, most users uses Adobe to validate the signatures in their document, as a side note, you would most likely need the certificate of completion to complete the validating process: DocuSign Core Prod Release Notes: March 2023

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Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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