@Pshee This is an excellent question and one that is involved and does depend on which side of the envelope you are on, Sender or Recipient. On the Sender side, being the person who initiated the envelope you can “void” the envelope at anytime prior to the envelope’s completion. A void makes the envelope null in terms of further updating/editing or correcting, its a dead envelope. As the Sender if you “delete” an envelope while in progress it also “voids” the envelope removing traces from your Sent folder. So you can keep “voided” envelopes around as needed or “delete” an envelope to remove traces of that envelope from your Sent folder but if the envelope is In Progress and you delete then the envelope is voided and removed. Deleting an envelope does not remove the envelope from the Inbox of Recipients (if they have a DocuSign account).
On the Recipient side they have an envelope that was Sent to them and they can “decline to sign” during their Recipient action which acts as a Client side “void”, the envelope is dead. A Recipient can “delete” an envelope which removes that envelope from the Inbox folder but does not “void” the envelope. If the Recipient deletes the envelope they will still get reminders if they haven’t taken action or if they completed their action they still get the completed copy of the envelope at the end of the envelope process. Deleting the envelope on a Recipient’s side does not impact other Recipients or the Sender’s copy of the envelope.
- Void - (if envelope was not completed) keep the envelope for historical proof of initial contract if needed. Noone can take action on this dead envelope.
- Delete (voids and removes the envelope)
- Void - (if envelope was not completed) keep the envelope for historical proof of initial contract if needed. Noone can take action on this dead envelope.