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Hi DocuSign team,

Hope you can guide on this concern, an envelope was sent for 4 recipients to complete, later it was voided (two days later) three of them completed before it was voided, the customer who did not sign the envelope still receives reminders to complete it but how if it was voided? 

Could you please advise? Thank you!

@Jorge.Manzano - If the envelope was voided, they should not receive any reminders.  

@Jorge.Manzano I have never run into this situation and when someone has reported something like this it has always been a notification that was coming from an In Progress envelope.  My first thought is to get the Envelope ID and make sure it matches the envelope that was voided.  If it truly is voided and the envelope id matches then I would suggest a DocuSign Support case to see if it can be resolved.

Hi @Jorge.Manzano,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.

Hey all - 

Glad i found this thread and thats its a fresh one.. 

I’m having the same issue on my end. 

Document needed to be revised after a few errors were missed. I voided the envelope and vendor confirmed that they received a voided notification. 

Each day since, they have received an email reminder to sign the document (and have forwarded to me). When they click the link, it brings them to the “this envelope has been voided” page. 

This is the only outstanding envelope this vendor appears on, so it’s definitely not a reminder from another envelope (plus the link confirms it was voided already). 

Hoping that this can be resolved as the recipient is becoming frustrated and i’m not sure how to help. 

@Jdgall14 - When you look at the History of the Envelope, does it show any other events like a reminder?  I’m wondering if with the latest DocuSign updates, they might have changed servers or environments and data was duplicated in other servers.  

Hello, fellows!

@Christopher.Alpizar @David.Schmitz @JohnSantos @Jorge.Manzano @Jdgall14 


Our Support & Engineering teams are working on this probably bug that resend notifications emails for completed envelopes.






Do you have a status update on that bug fix? I had a client tell me on Friday June 28, 2024 that she received a reminder to sign - after the envelope had been signed/completed by all parties (enveloped marked as ‘completed’ on June 27).



@Alexandre.Augusto I would be interested on the status as well. I have one of my team members letting me know their customer is still receiving reminders on a Completed envelope.


