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I have multiple routing rules set up based on a dropdown value.  But, if I try to add anything to that drop down, it tells me I will lose all of my conditional logic I have set up.  That’s a lot of work for our scenario.  I’m wondering if I’m mis-interpreting the message (below)??  I find it hard to believe that I would have to reconfigure all of my conditional routing logic just to add a new value.  Can anyone supply an explanation or set me straight?

Thank you.  Susan


Deleting Conditional Routing References

This field is involved in conditional routing rules.  Updating the options series will remove all rules referencing it.  Do you still want to make this change?

Hi @srlee !

I tried to simulate a scenario similar to yours, creating a dropdown and assigning Conditional Fields and Conditional Routing to it, but I was unable to replicate this message for testing.

What I would suggest to you is to create a copy of this template and try to add more information to your dropdown, just to check if it’ll actually delete everything or it was just a generic alert message.

Another tip is try to add more options using the “Add Option” menu on the right, like this example below:


I believe I am able to create an additional item by selecing “ADD OPTION”.  However, I cannot place it in the list using the same ordering scheme as I had used originally.  Seems odd to me that I cannot order my list as desired just because there is existing logic.  So I ended up reconfiguring the template. 

Thank you for the suggestion.

I believe I am able to create an additional item by selecing “ADD OPTION”.  However, I cannot place it in the list using the same ordering scheme as I had used originally.  Seems odd to me that I cannot order my list as desired just because there is existing logic.  So I ended up reconfiguring the template. 

Thank you for the suggestion.

Hi @srlee !
I’m sorry if I arrived late to this topic, but it’s possible for you to rearrange the order of this list. Just click on the "Series" option next to "List" and insert new options in the middle of the text.


thank you.  i am aware of how to use the ‘SERIES’ pane, but that is where i originally received the error message that i would lose my logic…..and I did.  so I just reconfigured the entire template, which was not fun!  this can’t be right, but can’t figure out what’s causing the error.  :-(

great answer

thank you.  i am aware of how to use the ‘SERIES’ pane, but that is where i originally received the error message that i would lose my logic…..and I did.  so I just reconfigured the entire template, which was not fun!  this can’t be right, but can’t figure out what’s causing the error.  :-(

I am sorry for that! As I said, I tried to replicate the scenario, but I couldn't. I imagine your template has much more logic than my simple test.

There would be another (third) method which is to edit your template directly using .JSON, but this requires a little more technical knowledge, as it involves advanced editing.

I hope not, but if you experience something similar again, please contact the Customer Support Team! They’ll be able to provide you with troubleshooting, in addition to asking for logs to identify the problem.

Hi @srlee,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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