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Completed envelop still shows in progress on all pages


Completed envelop still shows in progress on all pages how do I fix this issue

2 replies

Docusign Employee

Hi ​@Boopi1 !

If this is really happening, it's a bug! But honestly, in all similar situations where I helped someone who has reported this in the past, the vast majority of the time it was one of these problems below:

  • duplicate envelope (the same envelope was generated twice, and only 1 of them was completed)
  • recipient signed the document, but forgot to click the ‘complete’ button to finish their turn
  • there are other recipients in the envelope.

To be sure what's happening, you can check the envelope history and see what the last actions were.


Hello ​@Boopi1,

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Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

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