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I am newish to DocuSign.  I thought that it was supposed to keep tight version control, but I see that a client of ours can download our document and upload it with edits.  When we open it at our end we do not see the redlines.  I thought that when I last used it sometime last year, that our client would have to open it and edit it in DocuSign. Is the uploading/downloading a new feature/bug?  It’s not working for us.

Hi @Valanda !
Just to help you correctly, I’d just like to double-check which DocuSign product we are talking about, whether it’s eSignature or CLM.

  • In eSignature, once you send an envelope for signatures, it’s not possible to modify the original content for compliance reasons, so much so that DocuSign automatically modify the file into a .PDF.
  • However, if we’re talking about the CLM product, this scenario is totally different, as there are features in CLM that you can submit for External Review (i.e. someone outside of your account/organization to review and modify), and once this document is modified, you can enable the Compare Documents feature to check the changes.

Hi @Valanda,


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