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How can I change the default signature within a signing document. When I select the signature, I only have the option to Resize or clear. I was not given an option to adopt a signature. The bank requires an image of signature or freehand signing on keypad. However the document is automatically coming up with a written version of my name which the bank won’t accept.

I have gone into my profile and removed old signatures so only signature available is my image signature now, however when the bank resent document, again I am not given the option to adopt a signature and it keeps coming up with a written version of my name.


Hi @Jaymie !

You are able to change your signature and initials during a signing session by left-clicking the signature field to edit and clicking "Change" from the signature's action dropdown menu.


An alternative to this option would be updating your signature in your user's preferences (as you mentioned). You can find detailed steps on these processes, here: How do I change my signature or adopt a custom signature?


But, if you already tried these solutions above and didn’t solve it, continue read this text below:

When you create/adopt a signature in the DocuSign platform, it’s important to pay attention to the combination Name+Email you used. In short, DocuSign allows a user to have more than one account for the exact same e-mail address, and also, for each account, you can have more than one different combination Name+Email. In other words, supposing that you created a signature with the name “Vinicius ABC DSU”, but you received an envelope to sign with the name “Vinicius DSU”, DocuSign could ask you (recipient) to apply a new signature for this new combination (Name+Email). Let me show you a simple example:


So, supposing you’re sending an envelope to me, depending on the combination (Name+Email) you send, I can have three different types of signatures. Therefore, it is important to check if the signature you created previously has the same combination of (Name+Email) as the envelope you are receiving.


I hope this solves your problem!

Hi @Jaymie,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   



Unfortunately I had already tried these before posting and none of them worked. There was no option to change, just clear or resize. I removed all other signatures and even requested the bank void and resend a new letter, hoping it would allow me the option of resetting the signature, however it simply overrode the signature and selects the original one again.

I ended up having to sign document in wet ink because I couldn’t resolve.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @Jaymie,


Thank you for following up.


I am glad to hear that you were able to sign your document. I would also like to share more details on how to approach this scenario in the future.


Under certain circumstances signers without an active eSignature user might get their signature stuck.


DocuSign Support can assist in resetting the user on the back end, or the sender could use a slightly different version of your name (a dot at the end could work, for example) to correct this behavior.


Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will address them as soon as possible. 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!
