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I have followed the guide to change the date format to YYYY.MM.DD - but it does not change on the stamp “signed date” field as allocated in the template. Why is that?


Probably you signed the envelope before you made the change in the settings, which would explain why the signature is still in the old formatting (April 8 2024). It does not change documents retrospectively. For the date signed field, the sending DocuSign account sets the date formatting. This is an account-wide setting.

The other thing is the language set in the user interface (2024-04-08), which is not related to this setting. This can be changed for your user account, as this is an individual user setting. Click on your user profile on the top right and go to “My Preferences” or click this link for production. Under Regional Settings you can specify how the date format should look like in the DocuSign UI. YYYY.MM.DD is not available to be selected at this point in time.


Thank you so much

I did change the date format before signing - but I did not realise that I had to change it on “signing and sending” settings as well. 

Hi @RikkeHeesgaard,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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