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We sometimes have documents that follow a workflow, i.e. someone initiates the document, the first colleague signs it, the next colleague fills something out in the document to be signed and also signs it, the third colleague fills something out in the document and also signs it.
How can this be mapped with DocuSign?
A document that has been sent for signature can no longer be changed.
Do I then have to take the detour that the second colleague downloads the document, makes his changes and sends it to the third colleague for signature, who in turn downloads the document, adds his changes and signs it?
And another question was whether I can see somewhere in the certificate which documents an envelope contains.

Translated with (free version)

Hello, @Carina Ehrmann 


Based in your described workflow, I’d suggest this:

  1. Create an envelope
  2. Add the document(s)
  3. Enable the checkbox “Signing Order”
  4. Add every recipient(signer) necessary to your workflow signing process
  5. Each one will get automatically a signing order (1,2,3,4….)
  6. Click NEXT
  7. Now, in the document(s) you must add the Sign here, Name, and others that you want for each recipient(signer)
  8. If you want they filling up information, add the Text field to the respective recipient so he/she would be able to add information in these Text field(s)
  9. If you want they adding additional documents when signing, you can add a field called Attachment so they can add documents.
  10. Click on the Preview button in the top right corner to see if everything looks fine
  11. SEND it


I hope that helps, if so, please I’d appreciate your Like and mark this as the “Best Answer”

Good agreements!

Thank you,


@Carina Ehrmann 

About how to see the documents in the Certificate completion document:

You will NOT see the name of the documents there, but only the numbers of document(s) pages.

If you take a look in your signed documents, they have a EnvelopeID on the top of every page. 

In the Certificate document you can see the EnvelopeID in every page. That is one of your guarantee in terms of legality of the signed documents.

Also, you can, for example, after an envelope get Completed, download all the contents saving as just one .PDF file.

I hope that helps


@Alexandre.Augusto Thank you so much. That was a great help for me.
