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How do you set a time limit for signing a document? In other words, if the offer expires at 12 midnight on March 23, how do you set that date and time as the time limit for signing the document.

Hi Thomas, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!Currently, you can't set the time manually (it will be based on the time that the envelope was created) but you can set the expiration by letting the system know how many days the envelope should be active. For more information: ( Reminders and Expirations - Account Defaults Please keep in mind that this is a system-wide setting that will affect all envelopes, not just the one that you asked the question about. If you have further questions, please let us know. Thank you.DonnaDocuSign Support Community Moderator 

Has DocuSign thought about expanding this functionality so that an exact date can be set? The work around does work but it certainly would be easier to cut the math out of the equation. I have several lines of business within my corporation that would desire this functionality if DocuSign had it.

@Sara Oberly​, this came up in our organization recently as well. You can allow senders to override account defaults in the Settings under "Reminders and Expiration" which will allow them to change the expiration date. I was very happy to find that setting!
