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Hi everyone

I would like to know if we can update the title of the message (Unable to start signing process) when DocuSign runs into issues when starting the signing process.

I tried to update the resouce file (XML file) that I set up for my brand which is this key: PowerForm_UnableToStartSigning


but it does not work.

Thanks in advance






Are you receiving that message when using a PowerForm? If so, please verify that it is pointing to the brand where you made the changes to the resource file. Keep in mind that it can sometimes take a while for these changes to take effect.

Hi @JohnSantos thank you for taking the time for my question.

I am not using PowerForm, I’m create a URL that enables me to embed the recipient view of the DocuSign UI in my application to sign a document using the DocuSign SDK.

I just blocked the requests for domain to get that message but I need to update the verbiage for my use case

I also updated the resource file to hide some options when signing (Decline to sign and Finish later ) and those changes took effect but did not get any luck for that verbiage so not sure if I can update it






Mariano Lopez.


You are using an embedded signing scenario.  If that is the case, you need to update the Captive Signing Resource File.
