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I recently purchased a new Macbook Air Laptop and when I try to Login onto Docusign I can't. The only thing that happoens is the little wheel keeps spining round and round, round and round, round and round lol. Any help would be appreciatied.

Hi George, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!Try to clear the cache and cookies of the web browser. Do you have another browser downloaded in addition to Safari (like Firefox or Google Chrome)? If you do, try to login to DocuSign through one of the other browsers. Let us know if that helps or not. Thank you. DonnaDocuSign Support Community Moderator

I have the same problem. It must be a configuration at Apple Eqts, sincve I have alread used it in my computer and my account runs easy at my PC... Could you pls find an answer why it does not run at Macs???

Unfortunately no fix was found even after 1.5 hours spent with a Docusign rep on the phone. I've had to discontinue with Docusign and have been referred to Authentisign by another MacBook user that had the same issue. FYI Authentisign only works if you open it with Google Chrome 

I have had similar problem a month ago and had someone from Apple Support by the phone... he took the control of my Mac and clicked and unclicked several boxes.. Sudenty it started worked as it does in my PC, thats why I trully believe this is a configuration issue on Apple Eqts... strange that DocUsign does know that... I assume it did not happened only to both of us!!  By the way, tried Chrome and Firefox and issue is the same - so not the software, but Mac Config....  When I open my account it keeps spinning for 15min, than it opens... another clieck anywhere and another 15min... so impossible to use!.... thats my experience with DocUsign and Macs!
