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How do I look up a document that I had signed from one year ago?  

Depends on where the envelope was sent from and what the settings were at the time of sending. If they were sent from your DocuSign account and if your completed document expiration date has not expired, then you should be able to log into DocuSign yourself and simply download the documents.

If they were sent to you for signature by someone else, you would need to contact the original sender for the documents. If the sender correctly matched the email and name information in your DocuSign account, then the envelope would also be associated with your account and you'd be able to look it up within DocuSign in your Inbox. But the completed document expiration date that would be used is still associated with the sender.

DocuSign stores documents based on the SENDER'S preferences. Senders can choose to have documents stored in DocuSign indefinitely, or they can be purged at a specified date after envelope completion. In either case, the information on the envelope and the certificate of completion for the documents is stored within DocuSign indefinitely. Once documents are purged from DocuSign's servers they cannot be retrieved by DocuSign. This is by design for security reasons.

Hope this helps. 

How to retrieve document folders over 6 months old?

I am trying to find a document that was signed back in October of 2015. My records end in November of 2016. How do I access older folders?

Can't find Old files

Hi, I used to have DOCUSIGN and wanted to know how to access those old files. If possible.

Hello Vanessa, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!Do you still have the email address and password that you previously used with DocuSign? As long as you didn't call Customer Support and request that your account be closed, you should be able to log back in and see your documents. If you don't remember the password, you can request a Password reset on the login screen.The default view for documents is the past 6 months. You can change the date filter by clicking the Filters button in the upper right part of the screen to see older documents. ( In the screenshot on this link , you'll see a visual respresentation of different aspects of the Documents section of DocuSign.I hope that this is helpful. If you have further questions, please let me know.Thank you!Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator
Can't find old documents from a year ago?

A few days ago I signed two documents with DocuSign and created an account. I am now trying to access those documents and my account is empty. I have followed the instructions in the article to no avail. The links in the emails I was sent confirming that the documents were completed make me sign in to my account again, and the account is empty.....

Any tips for this?

Welcome to the community Jonathan, 

I did a quick search and found two accounts associated with your email.  I have reset and you should be receiving two emails to reset your password. 

Can you please use a different password for each email reset and then try acessing each of the accounts. You should be able to find your documents in one of the accounts. 

Please let me know if you are  still unable to access.

THanks for your help,


Documents done prior to creating an Account

If a client has been signing documents without an account, and then creates one later, is it possible for the documents done in the past to be attached to their new account without us resending them?

Hello Matt, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!Yes, as long as the email address that they are opening an account with is the same email address that you sent the previous documents to. The default date range for viewing documents is 6 months. If there are documents sent that are older than six months, the filter for the date range can be changed. ( Click here to read about how to locate documents .I hope that this is helpful.If you have further questions, please let me know.Thank you!DonnaDocuSign Support Community Moderator
Looking for a Closed Transaction

How do I find a closed transaction?  I need a closing sheet from that transaction.  

Hi Ginger, 

Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!

The default view within your account is the last 6 months. If you need to find an older document, you can change the search parameters to find exactly what you're looking for.

For reference: ( Locate Documents Once on the Locate Documents guide, you can scroll down to the Search for Documents section to see how to change the search query.If you have further questions, please let us know.Thank you.Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator 


I'm new to this site, so I don't know what 'watch' means. I thought I would see a video telling me how to look for my lost document. But I didn't see a video so I gues that's not it.

Anyway, I'm looking for a document which was signed - completed between 12/27/16 and 1/3/17. Any ideas on the best way to locate it? I entered 2 docs (our records no. 0015 and 0016) but only 0016 is in the completed list.

Thanks for any assistance.


Welcome to the community Cheryl,  I am not sure if you trying to access the document as a signer or a sender?  
If you are signer: please view our guide 

If you are a sender:

You should be able to find by searching your account, as long as you have not deleted the envelope. Learn more in our guidesClassic Experience


New Expereience

- ( Locate Documents  

 **The filters should help you narrow down with the specific date. 
  Thanks for visiting the communityMarc 

Cannot find numerous old documents from 2019 and before.
