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Hi, Im looking for documents older than 6 mths. I can see the 12 month option in the drop down box when i go to my completed documents but it does nothing when I click on it, it’s only showing me documents that are 6 months old?

Hello @Juicymouse 

I might be case , that your completed document expiration date has been expired. but if not then it depends on the settings that were set at the time of sending or completion of document.

But yeah, please refer these two links which are quite same and answer by the best community members.


I’m having the same, continuing problem, as of June 22, 2024.  I cannot get to the “Apply” button that should be at the bottom of the “Date” drop down menu, because the button is apparently off the screen.  Ahem, problem with the recent update.  And like DocuSign’s reply to your post of 6/20/2024, DocuSign seems to be dancing around the problem with evasion and misdirection, suggesting various forms of user error.  See my bullet points below the screen shot of DocuSign emails to me in response to my original trouble ticket . . . which DocuSign keeps trying to close without resolving.


  • DocuSign emailed back on 6/22 with “our platform had an update . . .”  I sent a screen shot back showing that their suggested workaround had no effect.  I also notified them that I got the same result (i.e. no access to my completed documents that were older than 6 mos.) in Edge, Google, and Firefox.
  • On 6/24 DocuSign emailed me and suggested that “The reason could be that you are using the browser in minimized mode.”   Uh, no.  My screen was not minimized.  And to top it off, the same DocuSign email included “In the meantime, I will mark your case as "Pending Closure." But if you need anything else, feel free to reply to this email to reopen the case.”  Excuse me, but I still cannot access my completed documents.  How is this something that should be marked “Pending Closure”?
  • Yesterday, 6/25, DocuSign emailed me again.  In part, the email reads “In regards with the "Apply" button amy name here], when you try to select the "Last 6 Months" try to scroll down the page since the drop down was too high when you try to filter themo.]”  My parsing of this is that the DocuSign rep is suggesting that I failed to drag the vertical scroll bar down all the way.  That is incorrect.  As is apparent in my screen shot above, the vertical scroll bar is down as far as it will go.

DocuSign seems unable or unwilling to fix this so far.  More users need to start trouble tickets at

I’ve had a ticket in for over a month and you are correct that it is not getting any resolution.  Most frustrating!!!

DocuSign at last sent me a workaround that WORKS.

I received an email last night (2024-06-26 at 8:01 PM) from Katrina that reads in part:

          “As per checking on the screenshot you provided it seems that the screen of your browser was too                large can you try to reduce the zoom size of your browser by clicking the 3 dots on the upper right                  hand corner and look for the zoom and reduce the size.”


Note that my browser screen size was set at 100%, the “normal” size.  It appears that DocuSign is acknowledging that their update requires a minimized screen size (at least in Edge) in order to access documents completed more than six months ago.  A 100% screen size is “too large.”


These instructions worked for Microsoft Edge, which is what I mostly use.  I clicked on the three dots in the upper right, clicked on the “Zoom   -- 100%  +” selection, then clicked on the minus (--) symbol to the left of the 100% until the screen shrank enough--I used 80%--to reveal the missing blue “Apply” button.  

Good luck.  I’m not sure if these instructions will work in other browsers.  You could always temporarily switch to Edge, retrieve your documents, and go back to your regular browser.


Hi @Juicymouse,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   

