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Can Recipients edit documents when "enable allow to edit recipient" is checked?

  • March 19, 2019
  • 1 reply


What does it mean by "document changes" when this item is checked under settings?

Best answer by Community Expert

Per the following article on Advanced options and the "allow recipients to edit" feature...

"This option allows recipients to make changes to the document with the document markup feature. If a recipient selects Markup Document and makes a change, all signers on the document must initial their approval of these changes, and a full audit trail is maintained in DocuSign"

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Per the following article on Advanced options and the "allow recipients to edit" feature...

"This option allows recipients to make changes to the document with the document markup feature. If a recipient selects Markup Document and makes a change, all signers on the document must initial their approval of these changes, and a full audit trail is maintained in DocuSign"