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Can I correct an email address after the document has been sent and already signed by other signers?
I’ve seen other help articles saying to click on a ‘Correct’ option, but I don’t seem to have this option.

Hello, @LAB 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


The option “Correct” only shows up while an envelope is in signing process, I mean, it is not in Complete status.


Envelopes with Complete status cannot be changed.


Let me know if I answered your question.




Thank you for your response.

If someone declines to sign the document, does this void the document? I cannot see anything to explain what the symbol means. (A red circle with a line across it)

When someone declines to sign, it puts the envelope in a terminal status (Voided) which means it cannot be corrected or modified. A new envelope needs to be created.

Hello @LAB ,

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