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I have a PowerForm that is created from a template.  The template has 3 signing roles.  Signer 1 initiates the envelope via the PowerForm.  Signer 1 is required to upload an attachment to the envelope via the Attachment tag. Can Signer 1 add signature fields to the uploaded attachment for signer 2 and 3 to sign? I’m assuming not but wanted to validate.  Thank you!

@Kim Mannen 

Unfortunately not, as uploaded documents are just attached to the envelope and you cannot add signature fields to it. In general the recipients cannot add any type of field to the envelope themselves, especially not for other recipients. 

What you want to achieve would be possible with a different role “Allow to Edit”. This role is able to manage the envelope, like the sender, which allows to upload additional documents to the envelope, assign new fields to them and even add additional recipients to the workflow. However, there are technical limitations and the “Allow to Edit” recipient can literally change everything in the envelope and should only be used when needed for very specific use cases, when you are aware of the consequences.

Hello @Kim Mannen ,

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