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Can a signed contract be deleted without my knowlege?


I am looking for a contract that i thought we signed about 6 months ago and can’t find it. The company that initiated the contract sent it to me via docusign and I signed it. They have a paid docusign account and i have a free one if that matters. Could they have dleted it without me knowing it? is there any way to verify if they did that?

4 replies


Hello ​@albygpa,


Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to the Docusign Community!  We are glad to have you here and can't wait to help share as much knowledge as possible.


I understand you are trying to locate a contract that was signed approximately six months ago via DocuSign. The contract was initiated by another company, and you signed it using your free DocuSign account. You are understandably concerned about whether the initiating company could have deleted the document without your knowledge and if there is a way to verify this. I sincerely apologize and rest assured I will do my best to help.


Recipients are unaffected when senders delete a completed envelope from their account; you can still view, download, and print the completed documents as the signer of the envelope. For more information please refer to: What Happens When You Delete an Envelope?

Here are my recommendations to help locating the envelope:

  • Try changing the Date filter to All time and search the envelope. Check Inbox/Completed Folders. Article: Using Filters
  • Look through your email inbox (and spam/junk folders) for any messages from DocuSign around the time of signing. This may include confirmation emails or links to access the signed document.

I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need further assistance. Thank you!


Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

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  • Author
  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • March 5, 2025

When you say completed envelope does that mean that they signed it also. When i received the doc it was unsigned and i signed and returned it waiting for them to sign. It was a fast moving project and we started it right away. I did not remember getting the completed doc back with their signature. So my question is, If I signed it but they did not , could they then delete it, since it is not a completed contract? In other words, is it only an envelope if it has both signatures? thanks for your quick response.



Al Gallucci


Hello ​Al,


In DocuSign, an envelope is considered “completed” when all required actions have been performed by all parties involved. In your case, if you signed the document but the other party did not, then the envelope would not be classified as completed. If any party has not signed, it remains pending and can be deleted or voided by the sender at any time before completion. Additionally, envelopes may expire based on settings determined by the sender, leading to automatic voiding and notifications sent to recipients regarding this status change. However, even after an envelope has been voided, recipients who have already finished signing can still view, download, and print the documents contained within the voided envelope but these documents will bear a “VOID” watermark indicating that they are no longer valid.


At this time, it is best to locate the envelope and check its current status. If further clarification is needed, contacting the sender directly is advisable.



Envelope Expiration

Void or cancel a Docusign envelope

What Happens When You Delete an Envelope?


I hope I answered and addressed your question. Let me know if you need further assistance. Thank you!


Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hello ​@albygpa,

I hope you are doing well. If you found my response to be a useful solution to your question, could you please click the "Best Answer " button at the bottom of the post? It helps other community members who might have similar questions. Thank you!



Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

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