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I was hoping to be able to use a template, that already has all the fields needing filled out, sent to a group of trip participants. Each participant needs to complete each field and sign acknowledgement at the bottom. When I try to do the bulk import, it does not carry the fields over to the other recipients. 


Would appreciate some help. (Visual aids are great.)

@rmhapp Are you sending each Participant their own envelope or are you trying to group them into a single envelope?

Also what do you mean by “carryover” to the other Recipients?

We do consent forms here via Bulk Send and we do pre-fill some fields so the Recipent does not have to but can make changes if needed but we send one envelope per Participant and then they sign their own individual envelope. This is done for a variety of security reasons in case of phone or address info that should not be shared. Hopefully you can share additional details.

I would like to send each person their own envelope but don’t want to create 20 individual ones.

Carryover just means that all the fields needing filled out are available to each person.

I can enter some of the info but as the person who sends these out, not the one that collects their address/phone number, i have it set that those fields are filled out by the signer.

@rmhapp Here is the dilemma, one envelope means 20 Recipients if there are 20 Participants.  That is one line after the header row in the Bulk Send CSV.  As mentioned, if there is data that people are adding like Phone and Address then everyone who is taking action after the person will see the previous Recipients entered data. This also means you have 20 sets of DocuSign fields, one set per Recipient (Participant). With 20 individual envelopes that means each envelopes is specific to one Recipient (Participant).

In order to prefill fields you need to set the Data Label of each field to the corresponding row header field in the CSV and have data in that appropriate column.   If not filled out the field will remain blank and available to fill out by the assigned Recipient.

i see. so doesn’t sound like there isn’t a way to send a version of the same doc to different people so each person just fills out their own. Is that correct? THey are doing the same doc, just individually, independant of each other.

@rmhapp You could do would be the setup.  Lets say you have 20 Participants you would create a Template with 20 Pages, each page would be the exact same document, so you add the same doc 20 times. On page1 you add Recipient 1’s fields, page 2 has Recipient 2 fields, Page 3 is for Recipient 3 fields and so on. So you are tagging each page with the same fields but for a different Recipient.  This still means, unless you use Document Visibility that Recipient 20 could see Recipient 1 through 19s document because it just one big envelope. 

I suggest 1 document inside the Template with it tagged for a single Recipient.  You then set the CSV to send 20 envelopes, which means 20 rows after the header so that each Recipient gets their own envelope.

Oh ok. I will give that a try. I appreciate you help!


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