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When I send envelopes to email addresses they fail to send. I have tried in different browsers to no avail. Is this a known issue or what can I do to get around it?


@Mari If your envelope Recipient email address is being rejected it typically is not an issue with the Browser or with DocuSign but rather that the email address is not valid or your email is being rejected by a policy or firewall based on phishing, domain restrictions, or the other rules involved with inbound email on the Recipient side.  

Have you tried sending an email to the same address through your regular email program such as Outlook, Yahoo, or Google to see if it delivers successfully?

As a sidenote make sure not to cut and paste email addresses or if you do then verify there are no hidden spaces at the beginning or the end which can cause issue.

Thank you David, we have sent emails to these addresses without problem and checked the address is correct (no added spaces etc). You have a very good point with the recipients firewall settings/restriction though. Appreciate your time - Thanks! 

Hi Mari, yes I am having the exact same issue today with sending to

Wondering if this is a current Docusign issue.

Hi @Mari,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   


"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   


Hello Alejandro,

Unfortunately the issue wasn’t resolved by using a different browser. 

We have been able to send other envelopes since to bigpond addresses so I find it a random issue that we have come across before. On that particular day I had one client say that she had received other documents over DocuSign so found it strange that our didn’t come through. 

If you can look into this and resolve it would be great as we are somewhat weary of sending things through DocuSign to bigpond addresses as we are not confident it’s going to work. 

Kind regards,


Hi @Mari,


Thank you for following up.


As mentioned by David, if there is a persistent delivery issue with a particular email address or domain, the root cause is usually related to a custom configuration on either the email inbox or the domain’s configuration.


Taking this into consideration, the best course of action would be having the recipient troubleshoot the issue from their end, since there is no available option to correct these configurations from within DocuSign.


Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will address them as soon as possible. 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!


Hi Just following some of these comments re - I have several bigpond emails which over the last week have been rejected when sending DocuSign requests. These are emails that have previously worked fine. If Bigpond has updated security settings and are rejecting DocuSign, perhaps the SPF records at DocuSign need to be updated - as they email is not generating from my own domain - I really have no control over this - can you please look further into security settings and adjust relevant domain records??

We are experiencing the same issue with only Bigpond emails being rejected in this last week. I have been able to email bigpond addresses direct from my outlook so it is not an issue with the clients bigpond email setting.
It is clearly a security issue with Docusign. Can this matter please be dealt with as a matter of urgency!

We are also experiencing the same issue. Please resolve.

Hi @Deb Batson@Jodie and @Michael D,


I appreciate you sharing your experience.


As @Deb Batson mentioned, the security settings that could be causing these delivery errors are controled from within the domain’s configuration.


It is because of this reason that DocuSign lack access to processing the changes needed, and Telstra (formerly Bigpond) Support will be in the best position to help your signers with their email configuration.


You can contact Telstra Support, here:


Telstra - Contact us


Please let us know if Telstra Support points out that there is something needed to be updated from our end, we will gladly look into it as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!


I am sorry however it is beyond my scope to deal with IT issues at client’s computer ends. If your software is not working with a specific provider (ie Telstra) I do believe as a paying client of yours, it is your responsibility to discuss with Telstra and solve the issue as clearly this is not a one off concern. Further some communication to us all regarding issues would also be helpful ... 

We had the same issue with gmail when it updated security settings and could not email gmail clients from third party sites, ie our database, however as the emails were directed from our own domain, I could update our records to fix this. As these emails come from a DocuSign domain, there is little I can do to rectify it and as mentioned is not my responsibility to fix IT issues that are clearly beyond me and my capabilities. 

If you can not be proactive in this we will be forced to consider alternative esignature platforms and we will not consider 2 different platforms from an efficiency and cost perspective. 

i also cant send to which is a huge problem how can this be resolved. it is a new issue

Hi @Deb Batson and @Deb,


I do apologize for any inconvenient this may have caused, we have reached out to Telstra/Bigpond to request them to unblock our emails.


If you would like us to include you in the list of affected customers, please don’t hesitate in creating a new support case by filling out the form provided below and referencing ticket ID IM-39145. 


Also, advising your affected recipient to contact Telstra/Bigpond to request them to update their domain settings could help expedite the process.


 Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!

