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Using AutoPlace fields for signature and name and data successfully since they clearly are prompted for when using the AddRecipient function in a workflow in Dynamics 365 but since there isn't a specific field to map the job title of the person, where is the title autoplace field type pulling from?  It appears that the first time it is an editable blank field to the enduser and if you send to the same person again, it remembers the last title and uses that.  I want it to be able to pull from Dynamics but I do NOT want to use a template since templates are of little use to how we use this since our documents are not static in length.  We use autoPlace fields and with Title being an option, need to simply know where DocuSign thinks the title is to pull from.

Title comes from the Personal Information of the recipient's DocuSign account. If the recipient doesn't have a DocuSign account or the recipient hasn't entered anything into the Title field of their personal information (under My Preferences) then the field is ignored. I'm not currently able to find Title within a user's contacts but Company name is there and that works similarly to Title, though that would then work for users who don't have a DocuSign account but are within your Contact listings, also under My Preferences.

Hope this helps.
