The resource you're looking for is https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/AutoPlace-New-DocuSign-Experience (To note, Anchor Tags is the deprecated naming convention, which has been updated to AutoPlace.)
An important part of the process is setting up custom fields with the corresponding AutoPlace text/string, which should be identical to the AutoPlace string you've added to your documents, such as \\FilingDate\\. You can create custom fields in different places within your account, such as the Document Custom Fields section within Admin or when adding fields to an Envelope or Template. The following links will provide further information:
Once you've created the Template that includes the document with the AutoPlace strings and an instance of each of the AutoPlace custom fields, whenever you apply this Template to an uploaded document containing the AutoPlace strings, all the fields will be placed at each instance of their corresponding AutoPlace string on the document.
If you have any further questions, please let us know!
Kind Regards,
Community Moderator