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As the recipient scecifier: Adding a private message to the signer?

  • 15 July 2024
  • 4 replies



When delegating as a recipient I can add a private message to the person I am delegating it to. As a sender I can add a private message to each individual role.


Can I in the role the recipient specifier do this to?


Yes, you can add a custom message to each recipient.  You will see this option on the recipient's page right above the body of the email message. 


Thank you for you answer.


Yet, I am afraid you did not understand my question.


I am not asking for me as the sender’s role!


I am asking for me in the role as recipient specifier. Can I add as the recipient specifier a private message?


If you are in the Specify Recipient Role, when you receive the notification to specify the recipient, you will be prompted to enter the recipient's name and email address and a private message. 


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