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I have one person that needs to sign multiple versions (approx. 80) of the “same” document (same form, different details on each form). Is there a way to apply the signature once and then it be applied to all of them at once instead of having to go through the envelope to sign the document 80 times? (The same question for adding the date and title of person)

@Gennine There is no mass Signing option meaning that if I received 80 envelopes, each with a Signature block that signing one would allow me to sign all, that us a dangerous practice especially when the data on the document is different and needs to be reviewed.  Also you should not look to prefill a signature, as the purpose of (one of many) is for the Recipient to review and approve of that information. If you were to hand the person a piece of paper of a blank document and have them sign that document and then scan that document. Add the scanned document to a new envelope with this basically prefilled Signature then it has very little value based on the fact they are not Signing the envelope via DocuSign and a DocuSign Signature field.  This may save time but legality would be an issue as you have no evidence of when it was signed and by whom.

The best option is to create a Template, add you document and the necessary Recipient and fields. Then you can either send out 80 envelopes, each with the unique details on the document or use Bulk Send to complete the same process but faster for the Sender.  The Recipient who needs to take action to review, unfortunately has the position in which they need to read and then sign the document.

Hello @Gennine ,

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