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I thought I added the date to my document but when the signer signed the document, it only required her signature. Is there a way to add the date to the document and resend it to the signer?

@Sonya Martinez Coleman There are a couple of options that can be used in this situation.  The best and easiest is to use the DocuSign field called “Date Signed” which does not require any input from the Recipient that field is assigned as it automatically assigns the date when the Recipient opens and completes their actions.  A second option is to use a DocuSign “Text” field and set a validation on the field (via the right panel) to Date and make it a required field. This will take an action by the Recipient to complete that field, but thy can choose any date they wish from the calendar picker so it is not useful if this is being used as a date they took action because it could be forward or back dated.


In addition, f the envelope is fully completed by all Recipients, then there is no option to correct and send it back to another Recipient. If the envelope is still “In Progress” then the Sender could add a new Recipient and send that envelope back to whomever to take a new action.

I appreciate that info! Thank you.


@Sonya Martinez Coleman - Additionally, it's important to know if your envelope has been completed with your signer's signature, The Certificate of Completion, which is an integral part of the document and serves as the audit trail, includes the exact date and time when the document was signed. This certificate provides a comprehensive record of the signing process, ensuring transparency and traceability for all parties involved.

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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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