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In a radio button group I need to make two fields conditional following the single radio button selection. The new experience settings for radio button groups make this difficult to figure out. This is for a contract template where you have to select one of seven options and then provide two additional pieces of information about the selection that you made. This functionality was great in the previous verison of Docu-Sign. Please help!

NDSE flipped things around, but the amount of work to set up conditions is about the same.  First, you'll want to make sure that each radio button has a unique radio button value.  You can set values by selecting a radio button and editing values in the right sidebar.  In NDSE, you need to select the parent radio button, create a rule, pick a condition from the drop-down box, and then select the child tags you want to appear.  You'll probably want to make one rule for every radio button you have.  When you're done, you can check your work by looking at the list of rules you created in the Conditional Logic section of the right sidebar.

What is the criteria for selecting a parent radio button? I understand how to select it but what makes it the "parent"? Of my seven choices I need the user to be forced to choose only one and then fill out two additional required fields that correlate to their one radio button selection. I'm not sure what you described above will provide that functionality. Thank you for your assistance.

By parent, I just mean that when you take an action on that field, other fields (child fields) may appear or disappear.  By creating a rule for a tag, that tag becomes a parent.  In your case, it sounds like you've got a group of seven radio buttons.  Each one will be a parent that will show two child fields (I'm assuming text boxes in your case, but they could be any type).  Try this:

1)  Select the first radio button in the radio button group

2)  Select Create Rule

3)  In the drop-down box at the top of the page, select the first radio button

4)  Click on the two tags that you want to appear when someone selects the first radio button

5)  Click DONE

6)  Repeat this process for every radio button in the radio button group.

Does this help?
