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I regard my contract as entered on the date the last person signed the contract. I would like to have this date in my documents. I guess it's the same as the completion date. How can I include a "dynamic" completion date field/tab in my document? I don't want to add dates for each signature, just 1 date for completion (i.e. last signature).


The only dynamic date field is the Date Signed field. Are your recipients defined in a specific order or are they all defined at the same routing order in the envelope workflow If the former, you already know who the last signer will be so you can assign a Date Signed field to that recipient. When they sign, the date will automatically populate.

If the latter, you have no control over the sequence in which they sign so it would not be possible to know whose Date Signed is the completion date. You could potentially add yourself as a recipient after the other signers and add a Date Signed field for yourself. You would "sign" after the others by clicking FINISH and your date signed would populate.



OMG... so no dynamic "last"-signed field... it would definitely be optimal without an order in my case, but I might have to re-think that. And thanks for the self-signing tip, 😉.

The other common thing I've seen is for the text of the document itself to state the agreement will become effective as of the last signature. Then include a Date Signed field for each recipient. Regardless of the order they sign, you don't need a specific field filled in to define the effective date. 
