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Hi, I will try to explain my issue as best I can, but please forgive me if I don’t make much sense!!!

We use DocuSign for various things and one of them is completing fact finding documents. On the document, there are fields for client one to enter their information and then for their spouse/partner to enter information.

When I send the document out, I don’t always know if this person has a spouse/partner or not, so I am sending the document with every field marked as required (I did originally leave the spouse/partner section optional, but no one was filling it in at all!!!). The issue arises when someone doesn’t have a partner and they complain that they have to enter something in each field to be able to complete the document.

Is there a way, that when they select that they are either married or have a partner, that then those fields open up? I sort of figured how to do it (I think) but could only do it selecting one option, eg- I could set it to do this is they selected married, but it wouldn’t let me do it for another option aswell.


I hope I made sense.


Please explain this to me like I am a 5 year old!!!

Hello, @Hel.Johno 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


You can use the Conditional field option. Basically, you can make a field shows up or not based in the answer/choice made by the signer.


For example, you have a Radio button with two options: Married or Single. If the signer selects Married then a Text field to fill in the Spouse’s data will show up. See an example in this figure:



In this example, if the option Married is selected then the marked text will show up to the signer fill in.


To learn how to do it, read this article:

This video shows how to do it step by step:


Let me know if I answered your question.




Hi Alexandre,


Thank you so much for your help.


I have tried following the video and I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but once I have finished, and I select married or partner, it does not open up the section I want it to. No idea what I am doing wrong. I will keep trying though.

Hi, @Hel.Johno 

But let me recap the conditional field configuration. Let’s suppose you create a Radio button field with two options: Married/Partner or Single

You created also a Text field name Spouse/Partner name. This field will show up or not depending on the choice made in the Radio Button.

On this scenario, you need to click in the Radio Button group, click in Conditional, add a rule. In the rule, in the top of the screen you will see what will trigger the conditional rule, in the box which the options select “Married/Partner” option then click in the text field named Spouse/Partner, this text field now will show up with stripes on it indicating it’s part of a conditional rule. Save


Now, when a signer clicks in the option “Married/Partner” then the text field Spouse/Partner name will show up to be filled in.


Another option that you can explore if your account has that activated is Web Forms, depending on your account plan. If your account plan has Web Forms enabled, watch this free recorded training from Docusign University (use your email/password) to login.


I hope that helps!


If so, I’d appreciate your Like in the answer, thanks!




Hi Alexandre,


Thank you, I am able to set that option, here is my issue.


I have 5 options, Single, Married, Partner, Divorced, Widowed.

Each option has a check box. When either married or partner is selected I want the questions for them to open up. I can set this for just one option, but it will not allow me to select these fields for a second option.

So I followed the video above. I set a conditional logic linking a text box to the checkboxes for married and partner.In the text boxes I put the number 1.I then did a formula saying when the value of checkbox 1 or checkbox 2 is greater than 0, then to show the corresponding text boxes. Then I added a conditional logic for these to open the fields I want showing.


But when I go and test it, this doesn’t work

Hi @Hel.Johno,


Thank you for following up.


Are you previewing these formulas?


Not all features will be available during the preview of an envelope, and formulas are part of these unsupported features.


If you were using the preview option, you will need to create a test envelope to truly assess the functionality of your formula.


Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Thank you for using Docusign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


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