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After I configured our logo to the Docusign avatar, the signature email sent by Docusign had a black box around the avatar. I tried to remove the black box and tried many methods but couldn't solve it.

Hi !

Check that your image is not a .PNG with a transparent background. This can happen in this scenario, however this background will not always be replicated at the time of use. Look at my example below, I’m using a .PNG with a transparent background (image on the right, with checkered background for better example), when applying the image, the background was painted blue, but this did not happen on the product.


Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues Thank you for your reply. The black box I mentioned above refers to the position of the avatar pointed by the red arrow below.


Hi  , sorry about my misunderstood and thank you for your clarity!

This “black box” happens for the same reason, a .PNG file with a transparent background. My suggestion is to use a .JPG file with a white background.

To take a simple example, I’m using the exact same image above, but now I’m uploading in my user profile image. You can see this “black background” again.

An .PNG image with a transparent background


However, if you take the exact same image, but transfer to a .JPG with a white background, this won’t happen again:

An .JPG image with a white background


Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues  I tried a JPF file with a white background, but the “black box” happen again.    I have attached the JPG file below.


Hi !

OK, I tested using your image, and happened to me too (this “black box”). Could you please try to click on this option below and proceed with a new test?


I did it and solved it. 🙂


Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues 

I tried it, but there is no option like you mentioned.


Hi !

Thank you for reporting it, not sure why this option is not available through Manage Profile.


Please, try this way: My Preferences (under Manage Profile) > General > Click on your photo profile. By doing this, you’ll have that option.


Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues 

Thank you for your guidance. I found this option according to the guidance you gave, and the problem has been solved.

Thank you again.
