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Is there a way to create "Signing Groups" or save rules in Conditional Routing?

We just started using conditional routing and I have to say, it's a game-changer. I am loving the increased simplicity for our signers, and the streamlining that's happened as a result....


Is there a way to create signing groups or to save the rules for reuse on different forms? I create multiple forms, and some of them have to go through the same approval groups. Example, we have a group of five users that are approvers for a lot of things. Each time I make a new form, I have to build the rules from scratch to call upon this same group of five users. Is there a way to do this already that I just don't know about?

To my knowledge the "rules" have to be built with each new Template, there is no feature that I have seen that allows you to reuse a rule previously created under another Template. Although I cannot say with certainty but I would imagine the reason deals with the field that is conditional and making sure the rule properly connects with the field. In any case you could send in Feedback or a Suggestion to DocuSign to add such an option potentially to a future release.

That makes sense--I think it would look something like a set of custom prebuilt fields (with the associated rules) that could be added to any form. Maybe complicated, but it would save the frustration of building the exact same routing rules every time.
