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Is it possible to have stamp on each page (for example I have 100 pages) by batch, instead of stamping one by one?

  • 16 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Is it possible to have stamp on each page (for example I have 100 pages) by batch, instead of stamping one by one?


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

If you are the sender and are preparing the envelope to send for signature, and want to implement 100 stamp fields automatically, our AutoPlace functionality might work for you.

The AutoPlace functionality is an advanced field action that allows you to specify a string of characters in your document or template for automatic placement of the field.

If you, on the other hand, are the signer of the envelope and want to click on the first stamp field and have the subsequent fields stamped automatically, I’m afraid that won’t be possible, you will need to click on each field for the stamp to populate. 

You might find the following information useful: 

Please let us know if you need further assistance. You can always create a case to have a Support agent work the case with you. 

If you are not able to open the case on the same page, you should scroll down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator
