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I have a template that I have been using and shared with employees with no problem. Yesterday all the DocuSign boxes and signature/date fields totally disappeared. Does anybody run into this problem and what is the solution?

  • 12 November 2021
  • 6 replies

I have a template that I have been using and shared with employees with no problem. Yesterday all the DocuSign boxes and signature/date fields totally disappeared. Does anybody run into this problem and what is the solution?

When sharing a Template and not using a password protection on that Template you risk another User editing the Template and potentially causing issues such as field removal, they may have tried to Delete and Upload a new document which would have removed ALL fields and then saved this change. I suggest taking a look at the Template "History" to see who may have edited the Template. If you have a backup (download) of the Template you could restore it. Otherwise you need to fix and save and I would suggest password protecting the Template.

How would I put a password on my template?

Edit the Template and then go to the Advanced Options button, the popup window should have a "password" option that can be used to restrict editing of the Template.

I put a password on the template. So now that I put a password on the template is that changing anything for the people that I'm sharing the document with? besides that they can't edit the template.

The Users can still "Use" the Template they cannot make edits to the Template without knowing the password.

Perfect! thank you so much for your help.
