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DS viewer and DS sender

  • 2 July 2021
  • 8 replies


To simplify management of the accounts, I was thinking giving to the all clients DS Sender profiles instead of DS Viewer. Also I wanted to give all of them rights to create templates. I understand that all clients will be able to create envelopes with DS sender rights. Are there any security risks with this approach?

Thank you


If they are only signing a document they dont need an account really.

What is the need for them to have an account?


Hi Robert,
Viewer – to view the envelopes they’ve received.

Thank you

There is no real reason to give someone an account to view a document. If you set up the system they will get a copy of the document on e completed.

Allow the recipient to create their own account if they want to which is part of the process. You will create more problems for people if you create an account for them.

I going to let them to create their own accounts. The question is what should be the default profile - viewer or sender?

If they create their own account then they have what they call a Signing account so they will be able to see all the documents they have signed.

If they create their own account then you don't have to do anything.

Typically most people who use DocuSign only add company users who need to send documents to be signed. Only certain people who need to perform functions within the document or process need to have an account and they would typically be a sender. I have seen the viewer account used but rarely in the last 10 years have I seen a lot of viewer type accounts.
Hi Robert,

Hmm, I guess I don’t understand. What is the purpose of DocuSign viewer than? Why Docusign created this profile?

Can you please explain “I have seen the viewer account used but rarely in the last 10 years have I seen a lot of viewer type accounts.”

Thank you

AS I say it does depend on how you would be using the system. The main users of DS Viewer would be on restricted accounts that you want someone to be able to view or action documents on restricted accounts. DocuSign have accounts that comply with FDA regulations for healthcare and life sciences.

Note that if you create an account then it may affect your licence if you are on a number of licenses. If you are on an envelope allowance then this is not an issue.


Hi @Robert Jackson​ , just wondering if you could answer a further question about the "Viewer" permission profile. I have Managers who are sending envelopes to Workers so the Workers can act as the In-Person Signing hosts. Should the Worker be set as a "Sender" or a "Viewer"?

For now I have been setting them as "Sender" to make sure they don't have any limited functionality, and then I just don't share any templates with them. But it seems safer to set them as "Viewer" if it's still possible for them to host In-Person Signing sessions on that limited permission profile.

Thanks in advance! Carly
