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Can't Edit the content of my template after Save?

When I go to Edit my Template, the Edit option doesn't allow me to add additional fields or make any changes to the fields I already placed in the template. It only allows me to replace the doc or rename but not actually going back to the template and make the needed modification. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Are you the Template owner (meaning you created this Template and didn't transfer ownership)? Did you add any password protection or Advanced Options to the Template? When you say you cannot edit, are you getting an error message or can you just not go to the fields screen and drag and drop new fields?

Yes, I’m creating the first template once I save it I can’t go back and modify the boxes I put in there for signature and text input

Keivan Darius
Darius Global Enterprises Inc
Asset Manager
Mobile: 317-507-4034

Just to be 100% clear, the steps you are using to edit a Template is to go to Templates and then select Edit from the right side and not "Use", is that correct?

It sounds like a Restrict was placed on the Template or the fields that were added and hence if you "Use" the Template you cannot change the envelope. Just want to make sure you are using the "Edit" option and not "Use".

Perhaps a screenshot of what you are seeing?

When I get to the second menu as you can’t see it doesn’t give me an edit option,
Thank you for your help


Sorry but the images did not embed or get added correctly, I cannot see them.

I attached them

The images come across as some type of email address.....did you use the "Image" option to upload these screenshots. I just cannot open the one attached to the earlier post.

The second picture shows what I click on first

So the image shows you clicking on Edit, seeing the screen where you can change or add a document. There is a Next button in the lower right, which takes you to where and what are you not able to do on this screen?

That was it, thanks alot

Glad I could help.

Hi I am not sure if because I am using a laptop but Docusign is not ADHD friendly.  I keep opening more menus.  I tried to call but NOPE can’t get thru.  I have used this long ago.  I need to EDIT an already established template where I can add signatures before I can send to a recipiant and I want to save it that way to send to OTHERS.  You tube tutorials get you in EDIT to a yellow design EDIT screen and you hit a “pencil” BUT I cannot access that screen!  Seems like a simple connection or do I always HAVE to select a recipiant FIRST?  It won’t let me access that EDIT template screen.  NERVE RACKING
