I want to reflect the signing status of an Envelope in Salesforce using DocuSign Connect. The envelope is created using Salesforce Apex, and the signing status is received through a custom Salesforce REST API that is implemented with Apex.
I have completed the DocuSign Connect setup, but no logs appear in the "Logs" tab, and even after completing the signing, no requests are coming to Salesforce.
DocuSign Connect Settings:
Listener Settings:
- Status: Active Connection
- Name: SalesforceStatusUpdate
- URL to publish: https://[mydomain].my.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/namespace/docusign
- Enable Logs: Checked
- Require Acknowledgement: Checked
Data Format: REST v2.1 Event Message Delivery Mode: Send individual messages
Trigger Events:
- All checkboxes under Envelope and Recipient are checked
Associated User/Group: All Users
Integration and Security Settings:
- Include OAuth: Checked
OAuth 2.0 Settings:
- Enable OAuth: Checked
- Client ID: Configured
- Client Secret: Configured
- Authorization Server URL: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token
- Create the Envelope in Salesforce using Apex, and retrieve the Envelope ID.
- Register the Envelope ID in a Salesforce object (table).
- Complete the signing process for the Envelope sent in step 1.
- DocuSign Connect should trigger and send the signing status to the custom REST API implemented in Salesforce Apex, but it is not activating.
Additional Information:
- The custom Salesforce REST API has been tested and verified to work with API Tester or similar tools.
- The signing status from DocuSign Connect is intended to be received via the custom REST API in Salesforce Apex.