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I use DocuSign in my company. How could I automatically save signed documents to somewhere all the managers can view?

  • 15 February 2020
  • 3 replies

I would like to save a signed document somewhere other managers can view. For example, I'd like to make sure all the signed purchase orders are saved a single location all the managers can review.

3 replies

Userlevel 3

​Did you ever get an answer to this?  I'm itching to know the same.  I have reps manually downloading with much room for error.

Userlevel 1

There are several integrations between DocuSign and 3rd party document management systems and cloud storage such as SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, DropBox, and more. You could implement one of those solutions so that all completed documents automatically get stored in your official repository. You can search the DocuSign website for your preferred tool to determine how to get started with the desired integration.

You could also develop a custom solution. DocuSign Connect service pushes notifications when envelope events occur (such as Completed) so you could create a web listener that receives those notifcations and processes them accordingly to different down stream workflows.

Userlevel 3


please be more precise.

do you have a documentation or a tuto ?

thank you
