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How do I link one of my Apps and Keys to only one of my connects


I am currently trying to set up my DocuSign account so I have on App & key for each of our pre prod environments (Dev,test,staging) I would like to have three different keys, one for each environment.


In turn these three different environments will have a connect for each one, how do I specify that a certain app should only use a certain connect, I can add them all into each one, but it gives me tonnes of failed messages


2 replies


Hi Dave,

Instead of making configurations in the connect manager on the account, I would suggest using envelope level connect events:

If you specify them on the account, then they will fire for all envelopes sent by all users that are specified. If you leverage envelope level events instead, you can specify the connect message on a per envelope basis, giving you a lot more control.


Best regards,

Jonathan | Docusign Developer Support


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