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Where can I find out how many envelopes are remaining in my company's account?

  • 16 January 2021
  • 8 replies

I can see how many envelopes have been used in the Reports, but not how many envelopes are still available in the account envelope pool. Please help!

I would like to know the same please.


Hello Christina and David,

we have asked the same question to our account manager at DocuSign France and the answer was: You should run the usage report and then do the maths yourself ....

So it seems, there is no report available but you can deduct from your initial number of licenses the number of licenses used from the usage report and then you know how many reports are left.

I have admin role and under the Reports tab, there is the Usage Reports. My preference is theAccount Activity Report.

If you are not an admin you might not have access to these information.

kind regards


Thank you !!

Running the usage report is the only way I know of, and it is not intuitive or friendly. I would like to simply log into my account, look at settings, and see a counter of remaining envelopes. Instead, whenever the question of remaining envelopes is asked by upper management, we scramble to remember when we renewed, how many licenses we purchased (since it has changed over time), then remember how to run the report, and do the math. It should be easier than this.

They do it on purpose. this is available when to get a free trial as it shows how many envelopes are left. people will move with their feet if this is not sorted many other e signature companies out there.


same problem for us I am not sure why is it not simple process to see such an important information?

OMG, this is so lame, why can we not see how many envelopes are remaining? Do we need to call the sales people?

I will submit a support ticket every time I want an update on our available envelopes. This number should be featured prominently on the overview dashboard so we can proactively add envelopes if we are running low instead of running out during a peak season.
