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Hi Team,

I am working in an organization, and my manager has an enterprise docusign account (paid account, not a free account) at this URL: When I use his integration key to send an email through my application, the "Test Document" prefix does not appear. I am confused because I researched on Google and DocuSign sites, and they all indicate that is a sandbox account, so it should contain that prefix when sending an email.

I created my own free developer account and tested it, and I did get that prefix. My question is: if I need to use the integration key from my manager's enterprise account, what steps should I follow? Do we need to follow the go-live procedure here as well? If yes, what steps should we take? Can someone explain these steps in detail?


You need to follow the go-live procedure only once to migrate the integrator key to your production environment. After this has been done you can you the integrator key with every account on the same server environment, e.g. EU.

As you stated correctly, there should be the “Test Document” prefix in the demo environment to be clear that the envelope is only for testing purposes. Since that feature is fairly new, it could be that is has not yet been rolled out to all demo accounts. You may just add it to your code in your app, if this is your concern.

The go-live process is documented here and it requires a production account on
