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Me, as administrator, I see all envelopes I’ve sent for the signature . However, if the counterparty sends the envelope directly to the signatori I can not see the envelope. Is it possible to have a list with all envelopes signed by our company?

  • 11 November 2022
  • 3 replies

Me, as administrator, I see all envelopes I’ve sent for the signature . However, if the counterparty sends the envelope directly to the signatori I can not see the envelope. Is it possible to have a list with all envelopes signed by our company?


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

You can use Shared access, this offers users the ability to send and manage envelopes on behalf of another user on the account. Administrators can select the Manage Shared Access option to manage which users have access to the envelopes of a specific user.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Dear Christopher,

thank you very much for your quick answer.

I understand that by using "share access" option I will be able to see the document once it is signed.

Best regards,



Share access allows users to share draft envelopes, move the shared envelopes, create custom folders, and view which users have access to the envelopes also includes de inbox and the sent folder.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.
