I want to which method will work for this situation.
We have a user for example uzair.h@abc .com with an account and later the user Email ID has been changed to uzair.h@xyz.com
So currently we want all the envelopes to be moved from uzair.h@abc.com (old account) to uzair.h@xyz.com (new account)
I checked regarding this , i think we can do custody transfer for this, right?
Or if we change the email id for the account uzair.h@abc.com (old account) and rename it to uzair.h@xyz.com (new account) without moving any envelopes. will that work? https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&bundleId=jux1643235969954&topicId=sdb1578456444133.html&_LANG=enus
May I know which option suits here?